Cosmetic Dentistry

Jacksonville, FL

Do you feel truly happy with the smile you see in the mirror every day? If not, it may be time to make a change, and our Jacksonville Complete Dentistry team would be happy to help. Our available cosmetic dentistry services can get rid of all the common esthetic flaws that patients struggle with and help you show off your teeth with pride at last. All you have to do to get started is contact us today and schedule a consultation with our talented dentists.

Why Choose Jacksonville Complete Dentistry For Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Get everything from a minor touch-up to a complete makeover.
  • Treatments are always customized to patient specifications.
  • Most procedures can deliver dramatic results in just one or two appointments.

Porcelain Veneers

Over time, our smiles are likely to fall victim to a variety of common dental problems, from chips and stains to noticeable gaps between teeth. Thankfully, porcelain veneers are a comprehensive cosmetic service that can treat many of these flaws all at once! They work so well because while they’re crafted from similar materials as a dental crown, they’re designed to be thin enough to cover just the visible surfaces of certain teeth while still looking natural. Additionally, veneers are highly resistant, which helps them stand up to discoloration and damage better than your own teeth can and maintain their beautiful appearance for years.

Metal-Free Dental Crowns

If one of your highly visible teeth becomes injured or decayed, the thought of having to restore it with a gold or silver addition can be a troubling one for patients. Thankfully, our doctors understand the importance of maintaining a lifelike appearance – that’s why we offer metal-free restorative work! Your new crown, onlay, or inlay can be crafted from high-quality E.Max dental ceramic, which is an ideal match for natural tooth enamel. This material is also highly durable and biocompatible for a truly comfortable, functional fit.

Direct Cosmetic Tooth Bonding

Maybe your cosmetic problems aren’t overly serious or noticeable, but they still weigh heavy on your mind day after day. At Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we’ve got the right solution for these relatively minor annoyances, too – direct bonding. Direct bonding only takes one appointment to complete, and the results can last for several years as long as you care for them properly. Our doctors will use the perfect shade of composite resin to cover the chip, stain, or minor gap in a way that blends right in with the affected teeth.

ZOOM!® Teeth Whitening

Why do teeth tend to become so stained or yellowed over time? There are several possible reasons, including:

  • Certain drink and food items (Coffee, wine, staining fruits, etc)
  • Some medications that are taken regularly
  • Old age
  • Genetics
  • Antibiotic use during development

At Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we enjoy helping patients reclaim a brighter smile with our professional teeth whitening services. Are you in search of a fast solution? Nothing’s faster than in-office ZOOM! teeth whitening, which can improve your tooth enamel by several dramatic shades over the course of a single appointment.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

Of course, not everyone is after lightning-fast results when it comes to teeth whitening. Maybe you’d like to improve your smile at your own pace instead or in the comfort of your own home. In this case, a take-home whitening kit can work wonders. Our customized kits are leaps and bounds above the ones you’d find at your local pharmacy, and they can create the same dazzling improvements as in-office whitening, just on a slower schedule.

Gum Recontouring

Do your teeth appear overly short or uneven? Would you describe your smile as “gummy?” In these cases, gum recontouring may be your best bet for achieving a look that’s much more pleasing. Our doctors will carefully remove unneeded gum tissue from the mouth, making sure to leave a clean and even gum line that compliments your teeth. It’s very likely that we’ll discover plenty of beautiful dental structures that have been unnecessarily hidden for too long.

We may also recommend gum recontouring if more of a tooth needs to be revealed so that it can be treated restoratively, such as with the placement of a new dental crown.

Facial Rejuvenation & Injectables

A beautiful smile can do wonders for your self-esteem, but it may not make up for wrinkles or sagging facial skin. If you’d like to give your overall appearance a makeover, we want you to know that the Jacksonville Complete Dentistry team is up to the task. Our doctors are capable of providing facial rejuvenation and injectables in a comfortable and precise manner, and as a result, your face should look smoother and fresher – in fact, you may even find that it takes a few years off!

Understanding The Cost Of Cosmetic Dentistry

Before you commit to giving your pearly whites a makeover, it’s only natural to be worried about the price. Pinpointing the exact cost of cosmetic dentistry in Jacksonville, FL is nearly impossible, as each treatment is 100% customized to meet each of our patients’ unique needs. Don’t worry, though – our team will fully explain all of the financial aspects of your treatment before beginning so that you’re never left in the dark. Below, you’ll find some information that can be helpful when budgeting for cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

At Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we want you to feel comfortable and confident in your decision to pursue dentistry treatment. No matter the procedure, we want to be able to provide you with all the necessary information to help you make an informed decision that you can be happy with for years to come. This is why we’ve compiled some of the most common frequently asked questions for you to review. Should you have additional questions for your cosmetic dentist in Jacksonville, FL, contact our dental team to schedule an appointment.

Depending on your individual plan, it is likely your dental insurance will not cover the cost of your cosmetic procedure. There are situations where a portion may be covered, especially if you require restorative treatment in combination with a cosmetic solution.

No matter the type of treatment you pursue, it is always best to check with your insurance carrier to determine if any or all of it will be covered. If you would rather a member of our team work with the insurance company on your behalf, we are happy to do so, and we will strive to keep your out-of-pocket expenses as low as possible. Should you require a payment plan, we can help you get started with CareCredit, which is a third-party financier that provides low-to-no-interest payment plans.

Some of the cosmetic treatments we offer are not suitable for teenagers; however, there are a few that can work to improve your teen’s smile, such as:

  • Metal-free dental crowns
  • Direct cosmetic tooth bonding
  • Zoom! Teeth whitening

A consultation with Dr. Johnson or Dr. Barker will be necessary before any decision can be made. Based on their findings and recommendations, your teenager may be eligible to receive cosmetic treatment.

Much of this process depends on the type of treatment you will be having. From one hour to several weeks, you can see a noticeable change in your smile. Teeth whitening, if completed in-office, can have patients seeing results in as little as one hour; however, porcelain veneers can take several weeks or longer for dental lab technicians to create these custom coverings.

Our dentists will provide a detailed treatment plan during an initial consultation, so you can determine if the timeline fits your individual needs. If the treatment you are planning for takes longer than you prefer, we will work with you to find a solution that not only meets your cosmetic needs but also your timeframe.

When you look in the mirror or cringe when people look at your smile, it’s time to consider cosmetic dentistry. But before you rush to your dentist in Jacksonville and demand teeth whitening or direct bonding, it’s important that you have good oral health to start. This means you should be free of tooth decay or gum disease, as both can sabotage your cosmetic treatment.

If you are unsure if you are eligible for a particular procedure, talk to a member of our dental team. After a thorough examination, we will provide suggestions to determine if or which treatment is right for you.

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