Is There an Age Limit for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

mature woman with puzzled look

It’s true most people have their wisdom teeth removed in their early to mid-20s – it’s just easier that way. But what if you still have your wisdom teeth? Is it too late to have them extracted? Absolutely not! The truth is you’re never too old to have your wisdom teeth removed. While dentists recommend having them removed earlier, there can be great benefits to the surgery regardless. Yes, as you age, the roots of your wisdom teeth are more deeply embedded and formed, so it can be more painful to have them extracted later in life with an elevated risk of complications. Read on to learn more.

Are Your Wisdom Teeth Causing You Problems?

Some lucky individuals never need their wisdom teeth removed. Their mouths are big enough that wisdom teeth don’t crowd the rest of their smile. But even if you don’t notice these problems early on, you can develop them later in life.

Some people put off the procedure only to find discomfort as they age. But no matter your age, a dentist can extract your wisdom teeth. And yes, it is covered by most dental insurance plans.

If you’re 35, still have your wisdom teeth roots, and they aren’t causing you problems – congratulations, you’ve won the wisdom teeth lottery. Some older patients develop cavities in these teeth since they are located far back in the mouth and are difficult to clean. In the case of severe tooth decay, your dentist may consider removing your wisdom teeth.

What You Can Expect as a Mature Patient

There are some associated risks to having your wisdom teeth removed as an older patient. First, you’ll need a longer recovery time. Some older patients may need as long as a week to fully recover from the treatment, rather than the typical 1-3 days.

You do face a risk of nerve damage and may lose some degree of feeling in your lower lip. As you age, the roots of your wisdom teeth may grow closer to that nerve, which can cause minor problems.

Why Most People Should Have Wisdom Teeth Removed

A couple of issues mentioned earlier are relevant here. For one, most people don’t have room for wisdom teeth. And even if you do have room, these teeth can be difficult to clean since they are so far back in your mouth. You don’t really need them, so there is little benefit to keeping them in.

Some people put off the procedure due to financial issues or because they don’t have dental insurance. This is why it’s a good idea to have your wisdom teeth removed while you are still covered by your parents’ dental insurance. Perhaps you are in better financial circumstances or have an insurance plan that covers wisdom teeth removal. Then maybe you should consider it since you really are never too old.

Your dentist can do a full assessment to determine if wisdom teeth are causing you problems. They can also explain potential risks if you want to pursue extraction at an older age, but now you know it’s an option for the sake of your oral health.

About the Practice

At Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, you can expect a dental team ready to focus on your needs by offering comprehensive services in a comfortable environment. If you might benefit from wisdom teeth removal, our experienced dentists perform this procedure at our office location, and dental sedation is an option. Dental insurance is welcome and flexible financing is available. You can schedule an appointment on our website, but if it’s an emergency, call (904) 746-4069.

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