How to Recover From Wisdom Teeth Surgery

someone holding an ice pack to their face

If you’ve ever known someone who has had their wisdom teeth removed, you’ve probably heard about what aftercare can entail, and it probably didn’t excite you. Fortunately, recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction can be easy if you know what you’re doing.

If you keep just a few things in mind, you’ll be able to heal quickly and with minimal discomfort. Here are a few tips to help you do that effectively, along with some information about how long you can expect aftercare to take.

How Long Does Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Surgery Take?

Everyone is different, which means that it’s impossible to say for sure exactly how long recovery will take. However, most patients usually see most of the swelling go down within the first 7-10 days of treatment, and bounce back fully after around 2 weeks.

Some dentists use stitches that dissolve naturally after a while, but those that don’t will usually remove the leftover stitches around 7 days after the initial treatment is done.

How to Make Recovery More Comfortable

If you’re concerned about discomfort during aftercare, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are plenty of things you can do to make the healing process considerably easier.

For one, you should make sure to use whatever medication was prescribed to you as directed. If you weren’t prescribed pain medicine, you should instead make use of over-the-counter pain relievers.

It’s also common to experience some nausea due to anesthetics during the surgery or the pain medicine after. You don’t have to force down your food, but you should try eating what you can and make sure to drink plenty of water. If nausea persists or is intolerable, talk to your dentist about whether they can help you.

Speaking of eating, many dentists recommend a soft food diet in the days after a wisdom tooth extraction. This makes chewing less of a hassle, which you’re likely to appreciate in the days after the procedure.

Avoiding Dry Socket

Arguably the most important thing after a tooth extraction is to preserve the clot protecting the wound. When this clot comes out, it exposes the nerve and bone tissue underneath. This is known as “dry socket”.

If you want to avoid dry socket, you should stay away from:

  • Drinking with straws
  • Vigorously rinsing the mouth
  • Smoking
  • Hot beverages
  • Chewy foods

About Our Practice

At Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we pride ourselves on being able to offer our patients truly incredible dental care. We manage to bring our patients remarkable dental care without the sterile office, long wait times, or rushed appointments. Instead, you can enjoy the latest and greatest in oral medicine while dealing with a team that genuinely cares about your health.

If you have any questions about wisdom tooth removal, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (904) 746-4069.

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