6 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Oral Health

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More than 43% of New Year’s resolutions are health-related, but most of them are about general or mental health. Very few have to do with your oral health. This is a shame, since multiple studies have linked your dental health to your overall well-being. Fortunately, your dentist has some ideas for resolutions to keep your smile healthy and bright. Keep reading to learn six of them.

1. Schedule Two Cleanings in 2020

Even if you brush and floss diligently, your tools at home are inevitably bound to miss some spots. Thankfully, your dental hygienist uses special instruments to clean those hard-to-reach areas of your mouth and remove plaque and tartar that could cause gum disease and cavities. Visiting your dentist every six months is also an excellent way to check for early signs of these issues and deal with them while treatment is still simple and relatively inexpensive.

2. Brush Twice a Day

Ideally, you should brush your teeth after breakfast and last thing before you go to bed. If you need help figuring out which type of toothbrush is best for you, ask your dentist for recommendations. Replace your toothbrush every three months or as soon as the bristles look frayed and worn.

3. Floss Every Day

Flossing helps remove food particles and bacteria from between your teeth that your toothbrush alone can’t reach. It helps to set your floss down on your pillow. That way, you can’t go to bed without being reminded to partake in this healthy habit.

4. Get Any Needed Dental Work Done

If you’ve been putting off needed dental work – like crowns, fillings, or dental implants – make 2020 the year you get those taken care of. Procrastinating on receiving dental work can do more harm than good. It can cause more damage, especially if you wait to replace missing teeth.

5. Quit Smoking

Smokers are more than twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop gum disease, which contributes to tooth loss, among other problems. Even if you chew tobacco instead of smoke, you’re still putting your teeth and gums at risk. If you need help kicking the habit, your doctor or dentist will be more than happy to provide resources.

6. Brighten Your Smile

While teeth whitening isn’t critical to your oral health, it can drastically improve your mental health by upping your confidence in your smile. Get the self-esteem boost you deserve by professional brightening your smile. Having a beautiful grin can also be a reminder to keep it that way by taking care of it daily.

Because your oral health is a window to your overall health, you should be taking excellent care of your teeth and gums. Use the new year as an opportunity to implement these healthy habits into your life. Your dentist will thank you!

About the Author

Dr. Rose Johnson achieved her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in Denver and then moved to Jacksonville, FL to practice at Jacksonville Complete Dentistry. She is currently continuing her education at the University of Florida and will soon earn a Mastership with the Academy of General Dentistry. For more ideas on how to take care of your oral health in 2020, you can contact Dr. Johnson’s office at (904) 746-4069.

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