Set Your New Year’s Resolutions with Your Dentist in Jacksonville

A woman brushing her teeth.Now that 2018 is upon us, we can get started on our new year resolutions! Out of all the types of resolutions people make, some of the most popular center around our health. If you’ve decided to start exercising every day or remove all the sweets from your house, pat yourself on the back.

Since your oral health is so closely tied to overall health, you’ll be happy to learn that keeping a regular oral routine will only benefit your systemic health more in the long-term. That’s why your dentist in Jacksonville is here to offer some tips to get you started.

Use the 2-2 Rule for Brushing!

To prevent tooth decay and reduce your chances of gum disease, you’ll need to brush for at least twice a day for two minutes each time. This is what the American Dental Association and every dentist in the country recommends for proper at-home care. Use this time to focus on your technique and the different areas of the mouth.

When brushing, use a fluoridated toothpaste you enjoy and start with brushing each corner of the mouth. Count to 30 before switching to another corner. By the time you finish the four corners of your mouth, you’ll have reach two minutes!

How Flossing Makes a Big Difference

Flossing can be tricky at first but including it in your oral care routine will confirm all food debris and plaque garnered throughout the day is removed. To start, pull out at least 18 inches of floss so you have plenty to wrap around your fingers. After wrapping, gently slide the floss in between each tooth, pulling out any food along the way.

Unravel string from the finger parallel to the side your working on to reach those hard-to-reach-areas. To make flossing easier, look for floss that is waxed as this will reduce the chances of it tearing while in use.

In Comes Mouthwash with The Assist!

Mouthwash is not just great for removing plaque and stains from the surface of your teeth. It’s fluoride properties work to strengthen enamel and freshen your breath, so anyone you speak to knows that you take care of your mouth.

If you have a resolution to make your teeth whiter, look for mouthwash that highlights its teeth-whitening properties.

Preventive Care by Visiting Your Dentist

According to the ADA, you should visit your dentist every 6 months for exams and dental cleanings. During these appointments, your cosmetic dentist in Jacksonville will determine if your at-home oral care is up to par. They’ll also give you a professional cleaning that home-brushing simply can’t match.

Furthermore, dentists can detect early signs of gum disease, caries, and even oral cancer, so getting to the dentist should be treated with as much seriousness as getting to your annual physical. If your dentist believes you aren’t at high risk for decay or gum disease, they may even recommend that you come in once a year instead.

Don’t let dental care get passed you this year. Let 2018 be the year your dentist congratulates you on keeping your mouth as healthy as possible!

About the Author

Rose Johnson, DDS, is a total nerd when it comes to dentistry. After earning her undergraduate education in Flagstaff, she moved to Denver to earn her dental degree. She now continues her education at the University of Florida and is expected to earn her Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry. To learn more about her practice, contact her at (904) 746-4069 or visit her website.

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