Toothache Keeping You Up? Here are 5 Solutions

girl sleeping with a toothache

It’s going on midnight, and you’ve been tossing and turning for hours. No matter what side you lay on, the throbbing sensation of pain is keeping you awake. You’ve already contacted a local dentist for emergency treatment, but your appointment is not until tomorrow morning. How do you cope with a toothache at night in Jacksonville? If you’re suffering from a mouth injury, tooth decay, the loss of a filling, or another dental problem, there are a few remedies you can try out to mitigate the pain. With them, you’ll hopefully be able to get some rest before your upcoming treatment. 

 1—Try an Alcohol-Based Mouthwash 

Pain that emerges due to tooth decay, gum disease, and other related factors can be mitigated with an alcohol-based mouthwash. This will help disinfect your teeth and create a numbing sensation. Some brands, such as Orajel, specialize in toothache formulas that can soothe irritated gums and attack bacteria that could be causing your pain.

2—Elevate Your Head  

You may have noticed that your toothache became worse when you layed down. This could be because blood began to rush to your head due to this position. In some cases, this can intensify a toothache. Propping your head up on a stack of pillows may reduce some of your sensitivity to the pain.


3—Try an Ice Pack 

As with many minor injuries, using an ice pack to dull the pain of a toothache may also be an effective coping strategy. Be careful to wrap the ice pack in a cloth before placing it on your skin. This way, you still maximize the numbing benefits without risking self-inflicted frostbite. 

4—Use a Temporary Filling 

If you’ve identified the cause of your pain as a lost dental cap or filling, your pain is likely a result of exposed nerves. Most drugs stores sell temporary repair kits that can cover the exposed nerves. Not only does this often provide instant pain relief, but it will ensure that bacteria does not infect the exposed tooth. 

5—Try Over-the-Counter Pain Medication 

Turning to common over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin is a viable solution when all else fails. A regular dose of these pain pills can effectively treat minor toothaches. Localized numbing pastes and gels may also be helpful for short-term relief. Trying one of them right before going to bed may help you smoothly transition into sleep.  

Trying one or a few of these solutions can help you achieve the Z’s you need to face the day tomorrow. If you haven’t contacted a dentist to treat the source of your toothache at night in Jacksonville, monitor how you feel when you wake. If the pain persists, seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid another painful night. 

About the Practice

Dr. Rose Johnson and Dr. Wayne Barker are the masterminds behind Jacksonville Complete Dentistry. Invested in their patients’ quality of life, Dr. Johnson and Dr. Barker go the extra mile to support beautiful smiles and healthy lifestyles. If you are concerned about a troubling tooth, their team can help you determine a temporary coping plan or long-term solution for your toothache. Feel free to contact them at (904) 746-4069 or visit their website

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